Who Will Be Our Next Champion?

At Champions for Cures, we celebrate the resilience, strength, and heart of those facing cancer. Now, we’re searching for an extraordinary individual to represent this mission in 2025 – and we need your help.
Each year, our Birdies for Cures Golf Tournament raises funds to ease the financial burden of medical expenses for our chosen Champion, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: spending time with loved ones and navigating their journey with strength and hope. But the impact doesn’t stop there. Our Champions also have the opportunity to direct a donation to a medical research facility of their choice, helping to advance breakthroughs that will change lives for countless families across the country.
This is more than a nomination – it’s a chance to honor a Champion, inspire hope, and fuel progress in the fight against cancer. The journey starts with you.
Past Champions
In 2022, Kelly Monti found a spot on her back that was abnormal. Dermatologists later identified it as melanoma and it was quickly excised from her back. All standard follow up testing and protocols were followed at the time and continued until early February 2024 when headaches caused Kelly and I to go to the emergency room on February 3rd, 2024.
An MRI of her brain showed nine tumors, and approximately 10 other tumors in her lungs, liver, and ribs. Doctors confirmed that the tumors were metastatic melanoma that had hit her bloodstream at some point since 2022.
Metastatic melanoma has always been a historically difficult type of cancer to treat. Traditional radiation and chemo therapies have proven ineffective, but in the past 10 to 15 years immunotherapies have been (and continue to be) the only effective treatment. Kelly chose to put her hope and faith in the revolutionary new immunotherapy treatments that continue to evolve to this day.
From early February 2024 until July every effort was made to extend (or potentially save) Kelly’s life, but her stage four disease was amongst the most challenging for the oncology team.
Kelly’s resolve to endure the constant misery was truly courageous. She fought to be with me (her husband) and her two young boys for as long as possible. Anyone close to our family knew the amount of pain that Kelly had to endure for months on end.
Our children were brave as well. They lived out of a suitcase for 5-months at the loving homes of family and friends as Kelly and I struggled to overcome the nonstop challenges she faced; day and night.
On July 10th, Kelly succumbed to the cancer. She endured for weeks even after the tumors had multiplied to dozens within her brain and multiple tumors within her upper spinal cord. She only let go when she was assured that the boys and I would be okay without her. She left 3 of us behind, but her legacy and love will stay with us forever.
I appreciate the heroic work done by her oncology team at Northwestern. The oncologists exhausted every arrow in their quiver to save a young, vibrant, and beautiful mother of two.
My hopes are that charitable donations obtained by donors like you will help to someday eliminate the pain and suffering of the future families challenged with the cancer diagnosis’. Thanks to everyone
Kellys obituary can be found here: https://www.dalcamofuneralhome.com/obituary/Kelly-Monti
Lucas, a young athlete and quarterback, was diagnosed with T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma on October 29, 2022, after experiencing symptoms like swollen neck, fatigue, and breathing difficulties. His diagnosis and treatment journey included hospitalizations, chemotherapy, steroids, and physical therapy, with challenges such as a fungal lung infection, pulmonary embolism, hair loss, and adverse reactions to treatment.
Despite setbacks like COVID-19, cellulitis, and fluctuating weight, Lucas persevered with support from his family and community, who provided meals, assistance, and fundraising for medical bills. The family remains hopeful for Lucas’s recovery and return to sports, as they navigate the emotional and logistical complexities of his health journey.
Jeremy was someone who was always willing to share his happiness and love with the rest of the world. He was a Marine veteran, a father, a husband, a son, and his mother’s only child, and he was always a joy to be around. In every situation, he gave more than he received.
Jeremy was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2019. In typical fashion, he stepped up to the plate, seeking treatment in Austin and Seattle. In April 2020, he received a bone marrow transplant and had been cancer-free for about 18 months.
Jeremy learned early on how to deal with adversity. His feet had been clubbed since birth. His first year was dominated by foot and hip surgeries for septic arthritis. Regardless, he was always active and athletic, and he learned to walk and run normally. In Santa Monica, California, he was the only child of a single mother who studied gemology. After a few years in California, they relocated to Niles, Illinois, just outside of Chicago, where he attended Hynes Elementary, Golf Middle School, and Niles North High School. Throughout his school years, he enjoyed wrestling, soccer, and cycling.
After graduating, he joined the United States Marine Corps. While in the Marines, he wrestled for the All Marine Corps Team in Quantico, Virginia. He finished his Marine Corps service at Camp Lejeune and returned to Illinois, where he enrolled in Western Illinois University alongside his USMC buddy Mike Terranova. Jeremy was certain he was in the right place after learning about the school mascot, Leathernecks, which was borrowed with permission from the USMC.
He returned to Chicago after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting from Western Illinois University. In 2013, he was named to the USA Triathlon team and competed in the international event in London. He eventually returned to Texas, where he settled in Austin. Felicia, his future wife, soon joined him, and they began to build their life together, with careers, a home in Austin, and a son on the way.
Unfortunately, he relapsed in September 2021 and died just a few months later on December 22, 2021, leaving behind his wife Felicia and their 4 year old son, Leo. He had a huge impact on so many people in his short 42-year life. Hundreds of people attended his memorial service in person and via zoom. Many people, from middle school to the present, shared their stories about how Jeremy had impacted their lives. Family, coworkers, friends, former colleagues, teachers, and even middle school classmates from all over the world shared stories about how Jeremy had impacted their lives in a variety of ways, from standing up to school bullying to talking someone out of suicide to simply sending an unexpected text message with a picture of their garden.
The Burton family used to look forward to Christmas every year. Whether it was enjoying the delicious food, opening presents, playing games, or sharing stories from Christmases past, what truly mattered was being together with the ones they loved most. Everything else simply fell into place.
The joy of Christmas remains, but it has lost some of its sparkle. This change began on December 26, 2018 -the day their youngest son, Blake, just four years old at the time, was emergency airlifted to Lurie Children’s Hospital.
On Christmas Day 2018, Blake wasn’t himself. Usually full of energy and excitement, he would be the first to dive into opening presents. But that year, he seemed lethargic and uninterested. Instead of tearing through wrapping paper with his siblings, Blake chose to relax on the couch and watch his favorite cartoon. His parents, thinking it might be a passing virus, didn’t worry too much at first.
The next day, however, Blake complained of back pain and continued to seem unwell. Concerned, his parents took him to the doctor, where their lives were forever changed. On December 26, 2018, Blake was diagnosed with advanced leukemia. The devastating news shattered their hearts.
In the nearly three years of his fight, Blake endured more pain and suffering than anyone, let alone an innocent child, should ever have to bear. Instead of playing with friends, climbing trees, catching frogs, and indulging in too much candy, Blake’s days were filled with hospital visits, needles, chemotherapy, and surgeries. Yet, through it all, Blake never lost his radiant smile.
In July 2020, after months in the hospital, Blake was finally allowed to move temporarily to the Ronald McDonald House. By August, he returned home, and with the help of his beloved Aunt Suzie, he raised over $400 at a lemonade stand. True to his selfless spirit, Blake donated every penny to the cancer floor of Lurie Children’s Hospital. On August 31, 2020, the family received their happiest news yet: tests confirmed that Blake was cancer-free.
But the celebration was short-lived. As Christmas 2020 approached, their worst fear became a reality – Blake’s cancer had returned. Undeterred, Blake faced this battle with courage and resilience, enduring chemotherapy, radiation, emergency surgeries, spinal taps, and even a bone marrow transplant. He spent weeks in the ICU on a breathing machine and endured daily needle pokes, all while navigating the challenges of a pandemic. Still, Blake’s smile never wavered.
Sadly, our friend passed away on November 30, 2021.
Blake Burton will forever be remembered as a Champion and a hero. Though Christmas will never be the same, the Burton family holds tight to the memories of their sweet boy, who showed them – and the world – the true meaning of strength and love.
My name is Meggan Mikal and I am pediatric palliative care nurse practitioner. I journey with patients and their families through the toughest of diagnoses, including disease-related pain and symptoms. I sit with them as they receive good and bad news, including conversations leading up to the last breath.
As I reflect on the work I do, the word embrace takes on a much different meaning. One of the favorite stories my husband Andy and I loved to share, was how we met. I am forever grateful to my mother-in-law, Joanne, not just for her resiliency and strength, but for introducing me to the man of my dreams. Throughout my undergrad I worked as a patient care tech on the same hospital floor as Joanne. She was a nurse and someone I looked up to. I begrudgingly agreed to share my email with her after she thought I would be a good fit for her son, who by the way, she always shared looked like Matt Damon. After a few weeks of emailing over winter break, we agreed to meet in person, once we returned back to school. He walked into my college apartment wearing what we soon would refer to as his “white snake jeans”, brown trucker shirt, and black shiny shoes. Obviously, it was not his wardrobe that won me over but his calming and reassuring voice.
It was that same voice that asked me to be his girlfriend on February 2, 2005, his fiancé on June 1, 2009, his wife on September 18, 2010, and rejoiced as he shouted, “It’s a boy!” on October 20, 2016. It was his voice I heard as we shared many adventures. Throwing pennies in the Trevy fountain in Italy, drinking wine in California and Guiness in Ireland, eating olives in Greece, ziplining in Costa Rica, hiking Denali trails in Alaska, visiting ground zero in New York, dancing at Señor Frogs in Mexico, touching the Golden Toe (he did) in Croatia, skiing in Colorado, proudly wearing our Chicago Blackhawks gear while visiting Boston, and cheers-ing in unique breweries all across the US.
Andy, my strong, funny, fierce, cool, calm and collected husband, was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in January of 2017. To say we were in shock is the understatement of the year. How can this be, the medical professional in me kept asking? I kept reviewing the timeline of events. He had back pain from golfing 36 holes 3 days in a row in May but clear x-rays. He pushed through 6 weeks of physical therapy. We escalated to an MRI which showed herniated and bulging discs. We thought we had our answer. He was constipated from the pain meds. The blood in his stool was from his hemorrhoids. In medicine, you could call it the perfect storm of events. It was also just three months after our son Andrew was born, hence the rationale for his fatigue.
I read that 67% of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer saw at least two healthcare providers before being diagnosed. We saw four – one of which was an ER visit due to his debilitating and severe pain. When Andy’s journey began, doctors thought his herniated and bulging discs were the source of his pain. It was not until efforts to treat the discs were unsuccessful, discussions of spinal surgery were being considered and the pain started to increase severely, that he underwent additional testing and re-imaging. This resulted in discovering cancer. Andy immediately began aggressive chemotherapy.
In my professional role, I am passionate about empowering patients and their families to ask for what they need, to think about their goals, and to let them know that hope is always alive. My husband brought that home for me. Despite the severe pain, emergent ostomy placement, infection, and time in the hospital, Andy fought hard to remain the most optimistic, energetic, and passionate person we knew. Prior to his diagnoses, Andy left corporate America to begin his dream job as an assistant brewer at Rock Bottom Brewery and cancer did not stop him!
Andy was not only the eternal optimist, he embodied a character fitting of a hero. In dire circumstances so many, myself included, may ask the question, why me? But right on par with Andy’s essence, he NEVER once posed that question, he actually stated the opposite, that he was thankful it was not one of his brothers instead. He truly encompassed qualities that almost seemed surreal and even in the harshest moments of his dark reality, that is who he stayed. His character was simply strong, wrapped in kindness, it remained impenetrable. The myriad of attributes and an authentic soul are what real superhero’s have in their DNA and cancer never stole that because it couldn’t, Andy wouldn’t let it. And this is who I get to tell our son his dad was…a superhero.
He made advocacy and lifting up awareness to colorectal cancer in young adulthood his passion. This passion towards helping others, helped over 35 of our friends, family and extended community in seeking screening. This early prevention and life saving action, motivated by Andy’s fight, led to 16 out of 32 people having polyps discovered, one person in need of every 3 month monitoring due to the discoveries this early screening provided, and 1 being diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. Our Andy, our champion gave life to so many.
Andy’s zest for life was contagious to those that knew him. Though he was the sickest in the room most days, he continued to be interested in those around him and empowered them to be the best version of themselves. He inhaled life and exhaled love in everything he did. He taught us what passion looked like for work and everyday life. He instilled kindness in all things even during the hardest days.
Many who knew my beloved husband were privy to the fact that he made a damn good beer. I am re-grounded by his passion for hard work almost daily as I pass by the pop-up craft breweries and see marketing for hopped-out beers. However, I believe his greatest accomplishment was becoming a father. He gave life to one of the coolest kids we have ever met. Though my heart is full of our adventures and traveling together, the daily reminder of Andy is our son, Andrew. He is his finest gift of all.
I am humbled by the strength and grace of the families I see at the hospital. When a child dies, we see loved ones come together, remember their little one, and begin to create a legacy that will live for years to come. My Andy was the definition of strength and grace, and I am grateful to be a part of his legacy.
Andy died September 13, 2017. A mere 8 months after being diagnosed with this horrible disease. A saying Andy used that will forever stay with me was from Bob Marley. It was “Evil never takes a day off. So, how can I?” He dealt with unimaginable adversity as a true warrior, followed his life passions and goals, and accomplished them with grace. I cannot say that I am not lost, confused, angry, and sad. I will say that Andy would want us to harvest good just like he harvested his hops.
Never in a million years did I think my career would help guide me through my darkest days. It did not make it better, but I came back to work with a new understanding of what my patients and their families go through. Yet another gift from my Andy.
The loss of Andy taught so many that the brevity of life is all too real. The amount of time our bodies will breathe air on this earth is indeed limited, unknown, and should never be taken for granted. Andy knew that already, he lived and loved that way. Even with Andy’s death he is till protecting others. Andy is inspiring early prevention for the lives he touched and impacted, this is the type of action that needs to become widespread to shield the loss of the most valuable, ourselves, our children, and the futures to come.
There are so many times in our life we are faced with moments of reflection and situations that cause us to pause. Often, subtle symptoms cloaked with life’s realities bring about under diagnoses, particularly in young adults. Resulting in patients being seen by at least two separate doctors before the revelation and devastation of a cancer diagnosis. Recommendations for screenings at age 45 are now suggested this would not have helped Andy. The ambiguity of symptoms makes the diagnosis difficult especially in young adults because of, well, plain and simple, their youth. It’s often presumed that it would be unlikely in young people and yet people under the age of 50 are on the rise as are the overall numbers for all colorectal cancer diagnoses. The numbers are growing, which would indicate we need to place the possibility of this disease even higher on our radar, so as to screen for it even sooner. As a community with a voice, we together can knock down those barriers and pave roads that allow people a longer journey through life.
As announced at the Birdies for Cures event on September 15, 2018, Rhonda Kokot is our 2019 Champion. Rhonda’s cancer journey began on December 28, 2001 when, at the age of 29, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive blood cancer. After undergoing several rounds of chemotherapy, Rhonda took part in a clinical trial that tested the efficacy of using umbilical cord stem cells for adult stem cell transplants. Fortunately, her transplant was successful and, 16 years later, Rhonda is cancer-free and living a healthy, normal life.
After her recovery, Rhonda vowed to make cancer research her passion and purpose. In 2008 she started on a challenge to run a half marathon in every state and raise $100,000 for cancer research. (Today she has 2 states remaining and is very close to reaching her fundraising goal.)
Rhonda is also a board member at Gateway for Cancer Research. Gateway’s mission is to help shape a world in which a cancer diagnosis is no longer feared. To do that, Gateway funds clinical cancer research trials for today’s cancer patients – treatments that help patients live longer, feel better or conquer cancer today. Gateway’s singular focus on funding cancer research, coupled with underwriting support from Cancer Treatment Centers of America, enables Gateway to use 99 cents of every dollar they receive for cancer research.
Rhonda is thrilled to receive the honor of being named the 2019 Champion and looks forward to working with the Champions for Cures team to direct fundraising dollars to Gateway for Cancer Research.
As announced at the Birdies for Cures event on September 16, 2017, Randy Kingdon was our 2018 Champion. Randy bravely fought prostate cancer for eleven years before passing away on September 15, 2017. Randy’s wish was for the proceeds for 2018 to be directed towards prostate cancer research. His family has chosen the prostate cancer research program at the University of Chicago that worked along with Randy’s doctors in Peoria, IL to provide treatment. Randy was the father of our co-founder, Eric “Pete” Kingdon.
From Randy’s son, Eric:
To put words on paper to summarize why my father was a champion in his fight against cancer is tough to do, and that’s because words cannot do justice for the courage, strength and determination he showed in the 11 years he fought this terrible disease. Eleven years….all the while still farming almost every day, taking care of his family and living life to its fullest. As I reflect on all he went through without so much as one complaint, it’s impossible not to admire his courage. If I’ve learned anything throughout this, we should all live each day as if it were our last and cherish the ones we love to our fullest.
Part of the reason my father was been able to continue his fight as long as he did was the advances in Prostate Cancer research over the last 10 years. For a disease that at one time only had 1 or 2 treatment options there are now over 10 with many more being developed. This is all the result of experimental cancer research that is often funded through charities like this. As we look to 2018 for our purpose and where the money we will raise will go, my father’s request was prostate cancer research be that purpose. Our family has specifically chosen Prostate Cancer Research at the University of Chicago to receive 100% of the proceeds for 2018. Hopefully with your continued support, we will someday live in a world where we don’t have to watch our loved ones fight this terrible disease.
Andrew Beauchamp was selected for our 2017 Champion for Cures. His story, as told by his wife Jennifer, is below:
Over the past 6 years our lives have been turned upside down. Andrew was first diagnosed with colorectal cancer in February 2011. It was such a shock. No family history of any colon or rectal cancer. He was 26 years old when he was first diagnosed. The prognosis, then, looked really good. They wanted him to go through radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and then have a surgery to remove the tumor in his rectum. He underwent the surgery in June 2011. They also told us that after the chemo, radiation, and surgery (due to the location of the cancer), we would probably not be able to have any more children. At the time, we had a 3 year old girl and a 2 year old girl. We were really wanting to try and have a boy someday as well. A month later, March 2011, a week before he started chemo and radiation, I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd child. So, we were thrilled, but 2011 was very difficult. Andrew was going through chemo, radiation and surgery/recovery, and I was pregnant, working, and taking care of a 2 and 3 year old. At the end of 2011, he had finished chemotherapy and radiation and recovered well from surgery. The year ended with the birth of our son on Andrew’s birthday, December 7, 2011.
August of 2014, I was pregnant again after the doctors had said he probably wouldn’t be able to produce any other children. We had another healthy baby girl born on May 1, 2015. Life was good. In January-February of 2016 Andrew started to have slight discomfort in his right leg from his groin down to his foot. It kept getting worse. Andrew just thought it was a pinched nerve or some orthopedic issue going on. He was given pain meds and after having several scans done, an orthopedic surgeon finally found a large malignant pelvic mass in his right pelvis that was causing all of the pain, discomfort, and complications. We found out this news in March of 2016. After discussing his situation with doctors locally, we searched around and decided to seek treatment at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It is located in Zion, IL, only about 3 1/2 hours from our home. We loved the care we received from them since day one. Over the last year we have been back and forth for appointments, chemotherapy infusions, intense radiation, hospitalizations and procedures. He was last admitted to the ICU at the Cancer Center in Zion on November 28, 2016 for several complications he was having. The side effects from the chemotherapy he was currently on were causing more and more complications throughout his body that he physically could not withstand them. Unfortunately, despite the aggressive treatment since March, the cancer progressed. The doctors discussed with us that there is so much multiple organ involvement that by trying yet another type of chemotherapy or treatment his body just wouldn’t be able to endure the side effects.
He fought cancer like a boss and had a smile on his face every single day. He was by far the strongest and bravest man I have ever known. He went through so much the last year. More than what most people go through in a lifetime. He wouldn’t let anything steal his joy. He loved sports and being outdoors. Andrew would go hunting and fishing regularly. He did as much as he could up until the very end. I believe his last day out was in the duck blind on November 25, 2016. This was just 3 days before being admitted to ICU. He was such an inspiration to so many people.
Andrew was discharged from being under the care of his oncologist and admitted to home hospice the first week of December 2016. He wanted to come home and be with all of his loved ones. He was only home on home hospice for 10 days before he past away peacefully surrounded by his family and closest friends on December 17, 2016.
It is a whole new lifestyle for us, and we are still adjusting. We have a great support system. We still believe that God is good and He will guide us through this next season of life. We miss him like crazy, but it helps us knowing that he is walking with Jesus and watching over us free of pain and suffering. Andrew would want us to be happy and live life to the fullest. Thinking about what he would want helps us get through each day without him. We have to remember that our time here on earth is such a short time compared to eternity in heaven.
An avid supporter of our annual Birdies for Cures Golf Tournament as the live auctioneer, Dan Weber became our first Champion in 2016. Never did he realize how significantly cancer could affect someone until he himself was told those three little words, “You have cancer.” After a rigorous battle with a rare cancer called Liposarcoma, we are happy to say that he is currently cancer free and more motivated than ever to help find a cure. He selected Mayo Clinic Research and Great River Hospice for the donations made in 2016.