Our Champions

Our Champion

Each year the proceeds raised by the organization are designated by our annually elected “Champion” to be used in support of families fighting cancer and research for cures with approval from the Champions for Cures Board. The organization has raised $558k+ in the fight against cancer through our first ten years.

Kelly Irene Monti's Story

In 2022, Kelly found a spot on her back that was abnormal. Dermatologists later identified it as melanoma and it was quickly excised from her back. All standard follow up testing and protocols were followed at the time and continued until early February 2024 when headaches caused Kelly and I to go to the emergency room on February 3rd, 2024.

An MRI of her brain showed nine tumors, and approximately 10 other tumors in her lungs, liver, and ribs. Doctors confirmed that the tumors were metastatic melanoma that had hit her bloodstream at some point since 2022.

Metastatic melanoma has always been a historically difficult type of cancer to treat. traditional radiation and chemo therapies have proven ineffective, but in the past 10 to 15 years immunotherapies have been (and continue to be) the only effective treatment. Kelly chose to put her hope and faith in the revolutionary new immunotherapy treatments that continue to evolve to this day.

From early February 2024 until July every effort was made to extend (or potentially save) Kelly’s life, but her stage four disease was amongst the most challenging for the oncology team.

Kelly’s resolve to endure the constant misery was truly courageous. She fought to be with me (her husband) and her two young boys for as long as possible. Anyone close to our family knew the amount of pain that Kelly had to endure for months on end.

Our children were brave as well. They lived out of a suitcase for 5-months at the loving homes of family and friends as Kelly and I struggled to overcome the nonstop challenges she faced; day and night.

On July 10th, Kelly succumbed to the cancer. She endured for weeks even after the tumors had multiplied to dozens within her brain and multiple tumors within her upper spinal cord. She only let go when she was assured that the boys and I would be okay without her. She left 3 of us behind, but her legacy and love will stay with us forever.

I appreciate the heroic work done by her oncology team at Northwestern. The oncologists exhausted every arrow in their quiver to save a young, vibrant, and beautiful mother of two.

My hopes are that charitable donations obtained by donors like you will help to someday eliminate the pain and suffering of the future families challenged with the cancer diagnosis’. Thanks to everyone

Kellys obituary can be found here: https://www.dalcamofuneralhome.com/obituary/Kelly-Monti

Past Champions

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